
This is the second part of the biostatistics portfolio. The first part mainly served to ease you into the concepts and provide an introduction to programming in R. If you haven’t followed the first part, at least make sure you install RStudio.

This part aims to:

  • Bridge the gap between year 1 and year 3;
  • Apply the methods that you have learned so far;
  • Show some actual analyses of real biological research.

You’ve now had one course in statistics, but probably little opportunity to ever put it to use. That is what this portfolio is hopefully going to address. Some chapters require you to use what you learned in year 1, others will show you some more advanced methods applied to data of courses you are currently following.

If you really want to understand every detail of analysis, consider pursuing a degree in statistics. For everyone else, just try and understand the gist of it, that is more than enough!

In this part, some of the applications of statistics will be shown in the context of courses you are following at the IBL.

Figure 0.1: In this part, some of the applications of statistics will be shown in the context of courses you are following at the IBL.

The portfolio, as well as the online version of the course, are a work in progress. Please check back later for updates. Official information will always be communicated through Brightspace.